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Madison Section NewsletterNewsletters are archived online at http://ieee-msn.truenym.net/news.html. |
Vol. 17, No. 11 | Serving IEEE Members of South Central Wisconsin | December 2014 |
IEEE-Madison Section Meeting: This event,
co-sponsored by the Engineers in Medicine and Biology Society,
featured a talk by Dennis Bahr, a long-time member of the
IEEE-Madison Section and VP of R&D for HelionX, LLC.
His talk on the design and construction of a novel, compact
particle accelerator for producing neutron flux suitable for a
wide range of applications was well attended, despite the fact
that state football championships at Camp Randall consumed all
of the nearby parking spots. The talk was packed full of
simple problem-solution sections where Dennis told of a
problem encountered and then discussed his clever
solutions. Many if us were impressed with the breadth of
the problem HELIonX is attempting and the novel solutions it
has developed. Below, Dennis shows a diagram of the
variable winding pitch of the helical transmission line.
The IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarship Plus Initiative recently announced distribution of scholarships to 184 students at 95 universities across the United States & Canada for the 2014–15 academic year. These students are also members of 69 IEEE Sections/PES Chapters.
The IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarship Plus Initiative was developed by the IEEE Power & Energy Society in partnership with the IEEE Foundation. Qualified U.S. undergrads will receive scholarship funds for up to 3 years as well as opportunities for internships and co-ops within the power and energy industry. University of Wisconsin-Madison students Robert Erickson (class of 2015), Jonathan Herzog (class of 2017), Maxwell Schweiner (class of 2015) and University of Wisconsin-Platteville student Jacob Bluem (class of 2015) were given awards. Congratulations!