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Madison Section NewsletterNewsletters are archived online at http://ieee-msn.truenym.net/news.html. |
Vol. 17, No. 10 | Serving IEEE Members of South Central Wisconsin | November 2014 |
It is time for the Annual IEEE-Madison Section Elections. Around November 11th, you will be receiving an e-mail ballot request. PLEASE do vote -- voting closes on November 30th. To vote, you will have to login with your IEEE Member account. If you have not done so in a while, or have forgotten your password, you can get login information at this link.
IEEE-Madison Section Meeting: This event,
co-sponsored by the Engineers in Medicine and Biology Society, will
feature a talk by Dennis Bahr, a long-time member of the
IEEE-Madison Section and VP of R&D for HelionX, LLC. In
the past, Dennis has lectured on designing and constructing a
state-of-the-art Tesla Coil. He demonstrated the device during
a past IEEE-Madison Section Meeting. The device produced a
spectacular display of electrical sparks and loud crackling
noises. The device is now part of the permanent collection at
the University of Wisconsin, College of Engineering. His
talk this time will discuss the design and construction of a
novel, compact particle accelerator for producing neutron flux
suitable for a wide range of applications. Dennis has provided
a photo of the device shown below.